Keystone Mission is in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. HOPE is found HERE!

Innovation Center for
Homelessness & Poverty


Services Offered

Continental Breakfast
Served Daily

Program Classes:
Bible Study, Mental Health, AA,
Job Readiness, Art Therapy, etc.

Assistance Obtaining Government ID
(Drivers License, Social Security, etc.)

Emergency Clothing & Basic Relief


Helping to Provide Life Transforming Opportunities

When you arrive at the Innovation Center, you will be greeted by one of our staff members. We always conduct an initial screening with guests first to learn their background and help them receive the best care possible.


The goal of the Innovation Center is to help the men and women we serve to develop the life skills needed to change their lives and get themselves off the streets. This is done with the assistance of our trained staff and volunteers. The guests work with our case worker, vocational specialist, and housing specialists to establish initial contact and relationship with the people we serve daily.


The intake process is done in a one-on-one setting so that you have the privacy you need to share your story. There is some paperwork that you will need to fill out and a staff member will go over the guidelines with you and help you get ready to participate in programs and ready to connect with local area agencies. You will be asked some additional questions to better understand what brought you to Keystone Mission.

Our In-House Programs

Go Green is a branch of our Pathfinder’s Workforce Development Program that works to instill self-discipline and work ethic while offering staff and the community a fresh way to connect with men and women who are experiencing homelessness.  

Go Green builds better partnerships between our guests and the community in which we all belong – a perfect example of what working side by side with your neighbors can do.

Seeds of Hope is our Community Garden Program used to give several benefits to the homeless, such as access to healthy meals, the ability to cultivate their own food, and the promotion of fellowship among neighbors.

The Pathfinders Program is utilized to create job-ready and purpose-filled individuals who can get off the streets by

securing sustainable pay.

Guests are given job-like responsibilities around the Mission and also gain skills such as how to interview, build a résumé, and interact in a professional sense.

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