Keystone Mission is in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. HOPE is found HERE!

Understanding & Identifying Homelessness 

You’ve seen the man or woman standing at the corner of a busy intersection holding a cardboard sign and asking for money or food. However, homelessness can be categorized by more than one person or situation.  

Homelessness goes beyond living in tents or laying out on a street bench. Unsheltered/homeless individuals can be identified through situations such as: 

– “Couch surfing” from one friend’s home to another 

– Being crammed into houses with relatives without the guarantee/lease of habitation  

– Living in their cars, under bridges, or other out-of-sight places 

Due to lack of stable living, “unsheltered homelessness is associated with disconnection from health care services, a high prevalence of substance use and mental health disorders, exposure to the elements, and risks such as experiencing violence” (Garcia, et al.).  

A vital role we can all play in society is searching for the signs and offering a helping hand. Individuals experiencing homelessness have broken relationships and are cast off from their community.  

A simple smile, direction to helpful resources, or a meal can make the difference in someone’s life.  

Check out Keystone Mission’s referral cards as another resource: Referral-Cards_2024KM.pdf ( 

References:  Garcia, Cheyenne, Kelly Doran, and Margot Kushel. “Homelessness And Health: Factors, Evidence, Innovations that Work and Policy Recommendations.” Health Affairs, vol. 42, no. 5, 2023.

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